The Cobra Goddess Wadjet
Our Heritage,  Temple Events

Temple of Isis Convocation 2024 / Celebrating Wadjet, The Cobra Goddess



*Lectures, rites, and performances are at the Grand Temple unless otherwise noted.

All lectures are streamed via Zoom.

Thursday Oct 10th, 2024 (Public Day via Facebook Live)

9AM – 12 Noon – Onsite Registration with Temple Staff

12 Noon – Isis Noon Rite & Gratitude Circle With Rev. deTraci Regula at the Small Temple

1PM – Social Break (for those attending live)

2PM – “The Story of Fellowship. What is the Fellowship of Isis (FOI)”? / Priestess Linda Iles

3PM – “Why Isis Is The Nicest.” / Priestess deTraci Regula

4PM – “The Morning Glory Zell Goddesses. How The Ladies Came to Isis Oasis.” / Rev. Justin Howard

7PM – Dinner at the Pavilion: Provided by Priestess Naia

Friday Oct 11th, 2024 (In Person & On Zoom)

12 Noon – “Noon Rite & Manifestation Circle” / Rev. Justin Howard

1PM – “Checking In With The Heavens.” / Astrologer Ra Rishikavi Raghudas

2PM – “Leading Ladies of Isis: How Her Women Changed The World.” / Rev. Justin Howard

3PM – “Egyptomania: Finding Isis In Unexpected Places.” / Priestess deTraci Regula

4PM – Midday Snack / ‘Wraps, Fruit & Juice’

4-6PM – “Worship with the Hands – Painting Art Class” / Teacher Jan Jorgensen in the Pavilion & On the Lawn

6PM – “A Waking Dream: A Gentle Dance Ritual.” / Priestess Eden Rumelt

7-8PM – Dinner at the Pavilion: Provided by Priestess Nai

8:30PM – Ritual Dance Created by Choreographer Priestess Anandha Ray & The Ladies of Quimera Iseum

9PM – Opening Ceremony / Divine Showcase (Special Event)

Saturday October 12th, 2024 (In Person & On Zoom)

9-10AM – “Gentle Hatha Yoga on The Lawn Under The Grandmother Tree.” / Led by Ra Rishikavi Raghudas

10-11AM – Breakfast at the Pavilion: Provided by Priestess Naia

11AM – “The shield of Athena: Protection Spells, A Melting Pot.” / Priest Marco Gravina Atenodoro Pandemo (FOI – Italy via Zoom)

12 AM – “Gaia’s Dictionary – The Oracular Language of Nature.” / Priestess Hamsa Devi (FOI – Germany via Zoom)

1PM – “The Horus Gods of Ancient Egypt.” / Rt. Rev. Michael Starsheen

2PM – “Wadjet, The Shining One.” / Rt. Rev. Linda Iles

3PM – “Protecting Our Health & Energy From Burnout.” / Priestess Daily Little

4PM – Midday Snack / ‘Wraps, Fruit & Juice’ In The Temple

4PM – “Syncretism and the Kemetic Gods: What Was Will Be Again.” / Rev. Traci Kronzak

5PM – “Nekhbet & Wadjet, Protectors of Peace in Times of Conflict.” / Priestess Yeshe Matthews

6PM – “God & Goddess Immanent, An Elder’s Story.” / Priestess Marylyn Motherbear

7PM – Dinner at the Pavilion: Provided by Priestess Naia

8:30PM – Keynote “Snake Woman.” / A Visual Herstory by Historian Max Dashu, Followed by QA with Wine & Cake Outside Pavilion

10PM – “A Journey To Wadjet The Shining One, An Evening Meditation.” / Priestess Audrey Antley (Arizona via Zoom)

Sunday October 13th 2024 (In Person & On Zoom)

10-11AM – Breakfast at the Pavilion: Provided by Priestess Naia

11AM – “The Ogham Grove Oracle Deck, Visiting The Dryads.” / By Sacred Artist Yuri Leitch

12:30-1PM – Dancing The Masks of The Goddess / Lead By Priestess Annie Waters & Priestess Anandha Ray

1-2PM – Ordinations by the Temple of Isis & Fellowship of Isis with Rev. Linda Iles & Rev. deTraci Regula (Grand Temple Theater)

2PM – “Divining Into Her Art: An Artist’s Journey.” / Sacred Artist Sue Ellen Parkinson

3-5PM – Social Break (Pavilion) / Goddess Platter – Fruits, Dates, Chocolate, Cheese & Metal Platter, Sparkling Pomegranate Juice

5PM – “ .” / Priestess Heather Salmon Regal & Priest Donny Regal (Hawaii via Zoom)

6PM – Prayers For Peace, A Open Circle For Healing & Peace In Today’s World / Moderated by Priestess Mana Yougbear & Rev. Justin Howard

7PM – Dinner at the Pavilion: Provided by Priestess Naia

8:30PM – Special Event (Sound Healing)

Monday October 14th 2024 (In Person & On Zoom)

10-11 AM – Breakfast at the Pavilion: Provided by Priestess Naia

11 – 12PM – Adoration of Wadjet, Led by Rt. Rev. Linda Iles

12PM – Memorial For Those Beloved Who Have Departed

1PM – Water Offerings, Led by Rev. Justin Howard – We will be chanting for world peace, healing and an end of suffering for all beings. Will be chanting 216x to Maha Isis and Maha Quan Yin, as we chant we will ask people to come to the pool to place floating candles in the pool as their offerings to the divine maha in all her forms.

3PM – Farewells.

7PM – Optional Group dinner (paid individually) at a nearby restaurant. Spaces limited. Please Contact Temple of Isis

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