Get Involved!

Temple of Isis / Isis Oasis Sanctuary


As part of our fundraising efforts, we will be implementing an Adopt an Animal program featuring our guest favorites and those elusive creatures not often seen as well. Did you know that for $25.00, you can provide enrichment (such as grooming, toys, and so on) for an Ocelot for a month? A $60.00 donation can feed one for a week. $2,500.00 can cover Nose-to-Tail vet costs for several months, as many of our beautiful rescued cats are well into their geriatric years.

Donations NEEDED!!!  

Please support us so that we may support you. While the financial aid is always welcome, it also cheers our hearts to see that reminder of your continuing support, no matter the amount.  

Some Opportunities for Ongoing Support

Perpetually Lit Candles for our Isis Shrine: $20 per month

Alpaca Fodder: $80 per month

Animal Care for Exotic Felines : $320 a month

Basic Animal – per month: $40 

Temple of Isis / Isis Oasis Sanctuary


Reservations and General Questions :
Office : 707-857-4747
Direct Email :